Converting ideas into physical products and solutions.

  • Product Development

  • Industrial Automation

  • Manufacturing


Whether you need full scale product development services, assembly fixtures and jigs, prototypes, a manufacturing solution for an individual component, product cost reduction, or just some guidance on how to bring your vision into the real world, we are here to support your business and bottom line.


Product Development

Our engineering team is your engineering team when partnering with SESmfg. With a concentration on rapid innovation combined with a detailed focus on design for manufacturing and cost optimization, we ensure you receive a working, tested, product, part or system that exceeds the requirements for your intended market or use. Ask us how we can take your business to the next level.


Industrial Automation

From small assembly fixtures and weld fixtures to fully automated solutions customized exactly for your application, we are here to learn your needs and put our expertise to work to solve your problems and streamline your process. Ask us how we can improve your manufacturing process.



Whether you’re a single employee startup or a fortune 500 corporation, you deserve a manufacturing partner that can handle the job. Metal fabrications, machined components, castings, plastics, composites, assemblies, and more, we are here to help you find the right manufacturing relationship for your project.